In this post we will discuss how we can start developing android apps. The method i posted here tested by me for mac and pc both and it worked out !!! This will be more appropriate for a complete beginner in the field of mobile app development.Since android apps mainly based on java we need a platform to develop apps. so we can use eclipse, netbeans ,etc.. But i prefer eclipse. So here we go.
1. Download Eclipse for mac or pc from the following link.
(This is not installer package. just unzip and use it.)
2. Download Java JDK (
3. Download the android sdk tools form here.
Andoird SDK Tools
Install this in to a directory and remember the place where you installed. Later on this post we will have to use it.
4.Configure Eclipse for the Android development
Open eclipse and go to help --> install new software
Under the work with type the following link.
If this does not work try (Without "s" in http)
This will fetch all the tools and programs that need to be downloaded .Select all the tools that fetched and finish the installation. you are completed with eclipse . restart eclipse.
5. Installing and configuring android sdk
Locate the files that you unpacked in the step 3. install the sdk into default locations.
Select all the options and install. It will take some time most probably (20 -30 mints depends on your internet speed).
6. Creating Andorid Virtual phone or Emulator to test your apps
go to start menu and under the programs point to "android SDK tools" and select AVD Manager like below.
Press new and create your new android phone. A custom setting has shown below.(This is my setting for HTC desire.It can vary for you.)
Press create AVD. This will create emulator for you. Now in the Andorid Virtual Device Manager select the virtual device you created and press start.After some time you will end up with the following.
Ok you almost done.
7. Connecting android sdk with eclipse
We installed android sdk but we didn't connect it with the eclipse. in this step we connect it with eclipse.
Open the eclipse --> window --> Preferences .
In the left pane under the android preferences and under the SDK location browse to install location you have selected in step 5. Press ok.
Congratulations You have configure your system to start with android app development. We will discuss the first android app(Hello world in the next post).
Thank you.
In order to start programming your first program follow my next post here
Create your fist android app
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